On Tuesday, Amie came to my house for sewing; on Thursday, I took my machine and went to Terry's for yet more sewing. Gosh, it's been a productive week!
Terry has hosted sewing days before, and I have participated in three now. On this particular day, Cherie, Monica, Sheryll, Terry and myself made the most of our day together.
Sheryll cut out the fabric for this quilt several years ago, and worked on it Thursday. The pattern is from an old issue of
American Patchwork and Quilting. She was hard at work making flying geese units.
Added later: The issue is October 2007.
I just love this, and I'm certain it's going to be gorgeous when Sheryll gets it finished. If I get a chance, I will be sure to bring you updates here.
Cherie was using up leftover charm pack squares in a small quilt, perhaps a lap quilt or a table topper or a baby quilt. This was quick work for Cherie, and she ended up playing assistant to Terry by late afternoon. You'll see Terry's project here in a bit...
Here are some shots of Cherie's work.
She has numbered each row to keep her chain piecing all straight. Good idea. I admit that I sometimes do not chain piece because I do get rows mixed up, so this is a really smart way to prevent headaches!
And this is her finished quilt top. Easy as pie. I am sorry I didn't take a better picture! I'm not showing it as fine as it truly is!
Monica was working on brown baskets with pink tops (flowers?). Anyway, it was a kit she had, and made quite a bit of progress on it Friday.
Monica wasn't the only one getting lots done; we all worked really hard even though we did lots of talking and visiting, we were still very productive!
Terry, our hostess, has taken on a daunting project. This pretty blue and white Civil War inspired quilt, James River Blues. I've seen it made up at our LQS. It's to die for! Terry is a very brave girl for undertaking this, imo!
She had to make gazillions of half-square triangles. Oh, that so intimidates me. By the end of the afternoon, though, she had them all sewn, and with Cherie assisting, she had them all cut apart. Her plan next was to press them open while watching a movie that evening.
And yours truly worked on a long-forgotten project: The Farmer's Wife quilt. It's been ages since I last made a block. I had 15 blocks made, so I set out on Tuesday evening and part of the day Wednesday, cutting out 15 more. This way, I could take those blocks to Terry's and sew all day. I managed to get 10 of the 15 done. Here are a couple. I plan to devote an entire post to showcasing all 30 of my blocks next week, so stay tuned.
Block #1: Attic Window. |
Block #34: Flock |
I had a great time with these ladies, and a great time making more FW blocks. This day was even more special in that we took a field trip!! Yep, we went to Chillicothe to have lunch and to show Monica and Cherie the new quilt shop. And that, my friends, will comprise yet another post: what I bought at Old Town Fabrics. Believe me, it
is exciting.
That's all for now.
Happy Quilting, Friends!