
Friday, May 10, 2024

Visiting Marilyn

A little over a week ago we - DH and I - took a drive with my mom down to Peebles to have a visit with her uncle, my great uncle. Last November, he took a pretty serious fall and at age 94, you can imagine how slow the healing process has been.

Anyway, a pleasant, springtime front porch visit does a world of good for anyone, but for both Uncle John and Mom, I think it was the absolute best medicine for shaking off the winter doldrums.


Now, to get to the point of this post! You’ve met Marilyn before - go here and here and here to read some earlier posts featuring Marilyn. I want you to see the pretty quilt hanging on the wall in their family room. It’s a Lori Holt pattern and it looks so cheerful in all its glorious spring colors. Isn't it spectacular?!

Her sewing room is as neat as a pin - I’m so envious! Not wanting to be intrusive or presumptuous, I only took one picture of it. One of the features I especially liked were these shelves where fabrics are folded onto cardboard. She said that was a lot of work and could be accomplished in other ways. However, she does recommend being able to see your fabrics, and not having to dig them out of tubs or drawers. This definitely has merit, and makes me consider how I might accomplish this in my own sewing room.

Another thing I like about her space is that she has wood flooring, not carpeting. Mine is carpeted, and it is just so hard to clean. Sewing creates so much thread, lint and dust; I know it would be better to be able to dust-mop hard floors. 

Not much to show you, but a tiny glimpse into Marilyn's quilting. I always look forward to seeing what she's working on!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Remember That Little List?

Awhile back, I made a brief list of WIPs and UFOs that I hoped to tackle for the week. Let’s see how I did.

☑ First on my list was to finish the blocks for Tag Sale and get going on the quilt top construction. I can happily report that all the blocks are made and I am sewing rows and columns together.

☑ Next on the list was to finish the little wrap-dress for Cate. Yes! I did indeed finish it, and it has been delivered to her. I now need to get some bloomers made with the leftover fabrics.

☑ Third on my list was to do some long-arming, and I am happy to report that I did finish the spring flowers quilt that was on the frame. I have attached the binding and am ready to hand-stitch it down. I will share it in full when finished.
Fourth on the list was to get some baby quilts worked on, but I really can't claim any progress here. I don't have proper backing for the 2 tops that are sewn, and I have too many things cluttering my cutting table to cut out yet another one for a baby girl expected in August. So we wait on baby quilt progress.

☑ Last on the list was to work on Lake Effect, and yes, I did! Whoopee! I need to join the leafy vine at all 4 corners of the applique border. So I fiddled around and got started on one. I am totally inventing this - in other words, the pattern is a mere suggestion at this point. I know I can do it.

Making that list really did help me keep my focus on the essential tasks at hand. I might not have addressed every iron in that fire, but I made headway on most of them. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Recent Show and Tell Beauties

Last Friday morning, the Frankfort Girls met at Sharon O.’s house and we had several quilts to share for show and tell. As per usual, Jan was the busiest of our busy bees! The first 3 shown here are all from her.

Looks great, but Jan said it was a bear to make; the directions were poorly done.

This is made with panels from last years Ohio Shop Hop.

EPP pattern purchased from Annette Williams of Sewing the Good Life.

Helen also had a finish. Remember at the retreat when she was so very frustrated cutting out the red and green trees for Alpine? Well, take her out of a talk-filled room and into the quiet confines of her home and she can work miracles! I'm showing you the quilt right-side-up and upside-down, so you can see that it looks like she also made white trees! *grin*

Now for one bit of older business: A few weeks ago, we had a show and tell which I failed to mention; it’s a beauty and really ought to be shared. Terry finished this pretty churn dash quilt with all the gorgeous blues! My eyes are telling me I need to make this! Look at the movement created with the placement of the stars. Love it.

These sweet girls truly do continue to inspire me to stay busy and keep on creating! 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Friday, May 3, 2024

New Dress For Cate!

Maybe as much as a year ago, DDErin handed off three pieces of fabric from her small stash. She thought I would be more likely to have time for making clothes for Cate than she would. I've just finished the third and last piece - the middle stripe, below. The top one became a little dress; the navy on the bottom became a pair of bib overalls.

The pastel stripe became this darling wrap-dress, below. While in Florida, I shopped specifically for a suitable lining to pair with the stripe, and it turned out better than I'd ever have imagined. They look great together. But this wasn't the pattern I'd originally intended to make.

Yes, I changed my mind. That's perfectly acceptable, right? Originally, I thought I would make an option on this vintage pattern, but in the midst of planning that one, I I saw an adorable wrap-dress on the world-wide web, I just knew I wanted to try one. It turned out as cute as can be. Click to see the pattern I bought on Etsy.

Here’s a clearer pic of the lining fabric with the fabric Erin chose.  I'm quite pleased with the combination. And - the best part - I have enough of both pieces left over with which to make some bloomers. Now to find a pattern for those...

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Hello May!

Speeding through 2024, we have arrived already in May! Wheee! Such a lot of fun awaits us as the weather continues to improve and outdoor activities take center stage.

I’ve compiled my collage of April highlights - on time for a change. As I review all my activities of the past month, I realize that my focus was all about reconnecting with family and friends. We returned from Florida on March 31, so April became a time for catching up!

TOP ROW: Early April gave us some mighty blue and sunny skies. The trees hadn't yet begun to leaf out. The first thing we planned was a dinner with our girls and my mom; Great-Grandma Jeannie read to a very entertained Cate. On the 8th, I was at a quilt retreat and we were in awe of the eclipse! Here, two quilters - Helen and Sharon - gaze up at the sky as the eclipse was just underway.

MIDDLE ROW: More fun with friends - The Frienzies met for lunch, crafts and games at Pam's house. Near the end of the month, all my siblings and our mother were together for a family member's celebration of life. Minimal sewing occurred in April, but I did get one entire quilt top finished - begun at retreat; finished here at home - Paris Flea Market Find.

BOTTOM ROW: The only other quilting of note was beginning Tag Sale with my little collection of (mostly) Bonnie and Camille fabrics. We got to have a whole weekend of Cate when she was here this past Friday through Sunday. What fun she had with her Pappaw! Last, on the final day of April, I finished the little wrap-dress. You'll be hearing more about it tomorrow. *wink*

I have plans for May, but have not itemized or prioritized them, so I suppose I will be firming all that up in the next few days. 

This afternoon, I will be re-introducing myself to the long arm machine!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Monday, April 29, 2024

Taking Stock of Works In Progress

It's Monday morning, and I need to get organized! 

I find myself in the position of having too many irons in the proverbial fire. So many projects clutter my brain space (and my workspace!) that I just need to step back and take stock of it all. My most effective method is to make a list. It both frees up brain space and sets me on a path to finishing these WIPs (Works In Progress) and PHDs (Projects Half Done).

First, finish Tag Sale. I have all the big 9-patches and small 9-patches made. The small 9-patches now need to have the economy triangles added, and I am in the process of doing that. (Photos above.) Then I will make the 4 star blocks to complete all the blocks for the quilt. Follow that up with completing the top and then adding borders. It is all very straightforward.

Second, finish Cate's dress. I cut out a little wrap dress for granddaughter Cate, and I could actually finish it in the time it takes me to write this blog  - that is how simple it is. I bought a digital download on Etsy, so for this first use of the pattern, I want to really understand the one part that could be trouble: turning it right side out. I will share, so stay tuned.

Third, do some long arm quilting. I put a quilt on the long arm machine before Christmas and it is still there. I made one pass of the machine only to discover some wonkiness in my stitches. All the hustle-bustle of Christmas and then the packing for Florida took my attention away from fixing the problem. I must now address whatever issue was involved here, and then get this quilted and bound.

Too many quilts are waiting in the wings to be loaded and quilted! In other words FINISHED!! I'm feeling a greater urgency to finish my quilts, which leads me to the next item on the list.

Fourth, catch up on baby quilts. I have two baby quilts made and ready for the long arm and one more baby quilt needing to be made. Nieces and nephews are having grand nieces and nephews, plus my own children's friends are having babies. I am a bit behind, as per my usual.

Fifth, Lake Effect. 

Oh, Lake Effect! I want you done, yet I rarely take you out of the basket! 

I almost don't want to admit how long I've neglected this quilt - surely multiple months, sadly. I go so long between spurts of working on it that I forget what I was working on and then when I do take it out again, I spend half a day figuring out where I was. Duh. So dumb. 

Okay, This gives me some focus, and I promise to make progress (a little or a lot!) on ALL of these this week!

Of course, plans are afoot for a couple brand new quilts, but those will definitely be waiting until I accomplish some of the tasks listed here. Oh, how I love to start new projects! No wonder I have so many WIPs and UFOs. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Monday, April 22, 2024

Design Choices

Weighing out various options concerning a design choice can sometimes be all-consuming while at other times it can be blatantly simple and straightforward.

I made a design choice over the weekend and even though it was kind of a big deal, no dithering occurred. I just knew what had to be done.

Brief back story: I sewed these 36 haphazard 9-patch blocks while at the quilt retreat a couple weeks ago. They are for a pattern called Tag Sale by Carrie Nelson. Even though the pattern said to make the orderly, 2-fabric blocks, I figured it would be fine to go with a less structured look. So I made all 36 blocks and stashed them away to finish here at home.
Tag Sale is in this (much) older book Miss Rosie's Quilt Collection (2005). My original Tag Sale was a delight to make and I even hand quilted it. Making a new Tag Sale just seemed appealing to me - this time using a brighter, sunnier, cheerier fabric collection.

The Book
My Fabric Collection

On Saturday afternoon,  I returned my attention to Tag Sale. Almost immediately, I was regretting the decision to make my blocks this way.

I had not hesitated a moment when deciding to break away from the pattern, nor had I questioned the choice in the intervening days, yet when I sat down to continue working on Tag Sale this weekend, I just knew I should have followed the pattern.

And without a moment of painful decision-making, I proceeded to pick apart all 36 blocks and stitch them up properly.

I’m not usually prone to making such drastic decisions, but it just felt ‘right’ to change my mind with these blocks. I didn’t wallow in self doubt or self pity. I simply took ripper in hand and spent a few hours deconstructing. 

It's at this point I should insert a picture of my thread-covered shirt, pants, socks, floor and table. Alas, I didn't take that picture. But I imagine you quilters surely can envision it. *grin*

Ahhh, yes, this decision was exactly correct. I just know I am going to be happier with the finished quilt for having made this correction. 

I will confess that a couple factors played into making this deconstruction/reconstruction process somewhat more palatable than it might otherwise have been.

First, it was a chilly, gray day, and who wanted to do anything outside? Not me! Second, I had a super-long audio book on loan from the library which was due in 2 days. I still had 12 hours of listening! Picking stitches is the perfect activity for audio books. 

Finishing the re-sewing of those blocks completed, I've moved on to the next step - sewing the smaller 9-patches which will go into an economy block. Stay tuned for progress updates.

Oh, you might like to see my original Tag Sale. Can you tell how perfectly crinkly it is? It's been laundered a few times over the last 20 years, so it is perfectly soft and cuddly.


Happy Quilting, Friends!


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Jan’s Reveal

The Frankfort Girls gathered yesterday at Terry’s house. We'd been mostly all together at the quilt retreat the previous week, and we were mostly all together at Terry's. It has been challenging getting 100% attendance lately. 

Anyway, that is neither here nor there . . . what I really want to do is show you a finish from Jan who was both at retreat and at Terry's. I shared in my retreat wrap-up that Jan was truly gnashing her teeth over the fussy piecing suggested for these panels. After about 4 done by the book, she decided to take liberties and simplify things. This made her much happier, and definitely sped up her finish rate.

Just look at all she’s accomplished one week post-retreat! Quilted and bound! It looks fantastic, and we all agreed that her altered blocks look just as good (if not better!) than the by-the-book blocks. If you've followed here long enough, you know Jan is our over-achiever, so it surprised no one that she had moved this project along so quickly. While we were together yesterday, she was stitching binding.

My Paris Flea Market Find quilt top was the only other show-n-tell item for the group. Since you saw all about it yesterday, I'll only re-run a quick photo. *wink*

Here on the homefront, I've not touched the long-arm machine in the 3 weeks we've been back from Florida. That NEEDS to become a priority - SOON. I am behind on about 3 baby quilts, plus several recent quilt tops that I want to finish off.

It is a gorgeous Saturday here in southern Ohio, although a bit on the chilly side. Breezy conditions are keeping temps in the mid-50s. Clear, cloudless skies, though, sure are a welcome sight! The trees are leafing out and flowering trees are bursting forth!

Have a great Saturday!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Friday, April 19, 2024

Finally - A Reveal!

It sounds pretty pathetic, but I'd like to introduce my first quilt top of 2024. It has taken me until beyond mid-April to finally produce a quilt top. I have never taken so long to share one with y’all! Those three months in Florida really stunted my early-year productivity.

I began working on Paris Flea Market Find (PFMF) at the retreat last week. I made all the 25-patch blocks and all the sashing strips. I hadn't brought the cornerstone fabric or the border fabrics, so the finishing up has been happening this week.

You know what? The long wait for a 2024 flimsy was totally worth it. This is one gorgeous quilt top, I tell you. The fabrics in the 25-patches is from a jelly roll I had called, coincidentally, Paris Flea Market by Moda/3 Sisters. The red star points fabric is from my stash - a 1-yard cut of Paris Flea Market. The light sashing fabric is a Laundry Basket Fabrics neutral which I'd found in a bin at Old Town Fabrics. The floral inner border is Sanctuary by Moda/3 Sisters. That was left over from a quilt I made in 2021. The cornerstones and outer border is Promenade by, you guessed it, Moda/3 Sisters. I just love that these designers keep similar colorways so that various lines can be combined.

As I said, Paris Flea Market, Sanctuary, and Laundry Basket were all fabrics in my stash. I must credit my dear friend and best sewing buddy, Sharon, for coming through with a most amazing Christmas gift - over a half a bolt of Promenade. Not only is this the cornerstone and outer border fabric, there is enough remaining to use as backing! And Sharon even came through with the pattern! Lucky me, right?

And here is Paris Flea Market Find, a completed quilt top - her coming out party. Ahh, I just love how delicate and soft it is. What a cozy quilt this is destined to become!

Hopefully, all my quilts this year will come together as effortlessly as PFMF has. I will be one satisfied quilter if they do.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Local Shopping

When we got to Florida in January, I began my scrap stitching using my newer, smaller Bernina 220. By mid-February, I'd used it so much that it began giving me troubles - you know the typical problems: broken threads, bobbin snafus, poor stitch quality.

Fortunately, because I had anticipated trouble (neither machine had been recently serviced), I had both machines with me. I wrapped up the little one and brought out the trusty old Bernina 1010, finishing out March with this 35-year-old model.

Back now in Ohio, I needed that machine serviced. In nearby Chillicothe we have a sweet, full-service quilt shop that sells and services Bernina. One of my first orders of business was to take my little 220 to Old Town Fabric Shop for a thorough cleaning and servicing. Store manager and co-owner Kelly is a former student of mine (11th grade English!), so we go waaayyy back. Kelly is trained by Bernina to do the mechanical, technical stuff. I love that I have a convenient place to have my machines serviced. The store is a spacious former canal warehouse. Kelly and her mom Cindy have created a quilter's paradise featuring filled-to-the-brim shelves and cubbies packed with scrumptious fabrics for every quilter’s taste.
Because it'd been awhile since I last stopped in, the current store samples were a delight for the eye. I thought I'd give you all a peek at the gorgeous offerings on display. Perhaps you'd be tempted to take a visit yourself?

In the foreground of this bottom picture is an Around The World quilt that caught my eye both when I dropped off my machine and again when I picked it up. Gosh, I would love to make one, but the intimidation factor is way off the chart. What a labor! Those fabrics, though, make it entirely too tempting. If only you could see it in person! The pattern is called Wildflower by Laundry Basket Quilts. Maybe...

Why not consider a little drive to southern Ohio? This shop is a great place to while away a few hours! I did a bit of shopping - not much - but a few little bits to enhance the stash. Some I've already cut and sewn, if you can believe that!

Hope you enjoyed the little shop tour! 

I will share a brand new quilt top in the very near future. Hope you'll come back for the big reveal.

Happy Quilting, Friends!
