
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Unusual Behavior

My motto for the last year or so has been use the stash!!

Lately, especially, I am really proud of the way I have been using from the stash for my recent and not-so-recent projects.  I have so much fabric. Really. So much. I doubt it would be humanly possible to use everything in said stash in an average lifetime. In reading some of my favorite blogs, I notice that today's blog from Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilts has a similar sentiment! Cool!

The size of the stash coupled with the alarming rate of increasing fabric prices have reinforced in me the absolute necessity to use the stash!

Given that, I have to report my unusual behavior. I have made a select few purchases lately. Twice. Both times the fabrics were sale-priced. Yippeee!

At the recent quilt show in Cincinnati, I bought only these two 1-yard bundles at $5 each. Nice, huh?

Both pieces are by Judie Rothermel. Love her stuff. I am very pleased with this purchase. Stash enhanced quite well, I must say.

Today, our new area quilt shop, Old Town Fabric Shop in Chillicothe, is offering sale prices as part of their grand opening celebration. I love getting 25% off if you finish the bolt, so that's what I did - three times!

The 3 yardage pieces totalled just under 7 yards; price around $45. The jelly roll was already marked down, and they were offering an additional 20% off because of the Celebration, so it was just over $23.

Not too bad, wouldn't you agree? These will work nicely into the existing stash, so I'm thinking I did just fine.

Retail therapy was just what I needed!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. That's the best part about clearing out, using up and just plain "reviewing" what you've got -- when you see a great buy, you can take advantage of it because you know if it is something you'll actually use. A great buy isn't a great buy if it doesn't get used. :)

    (Yes, a few of those wound up in the donation bags.)

    Great job! And I think a little retail therapy was just what helped soothe my blister. :)

  2. Spare a thought for we poor Brits then. Here fabric is about twice what you pay for it!

  3. Are you going to Miller's upcoming sale? :o)


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