
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Well, Let's Get Back to Normal, Okay?

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and patience in my week-long absence. Having one's gallbladder removed is not the most critical of surgeries, but I was set back a bit longer than I thought I'd be. The doctor didn't forbid too many activities, and even said if I felt up to it I could teach my class on Tuesday and keep my dental appointment on Wednesday. Well, I wasn't ready for either. I think I was just a bit too optimistic in my ability to bounce back.

The surgery was a week ago today, and I am still experiencing some discomfort. I take the stairs very slowly, I can never seem to get comfortable sitting. My 4 tiny incisions are beginning to itch--a sign of healing, so I'm hopeful that this will be a good week.

Enough about me; let's talk about quilts! A week ago Thursday and Friday, the Frankfort quilty girls and I went to Cincinnati for a quilt show. Preview night and Friday morning - we got to see all we wanted, made some important purchases and had some wonderful quality time together. We even had an extra quilter along! Cherie B. joined us to make 6 wacky quilters loose in the city. Gracious!

Here are some pictures. I won't narrate; I'll just post them. Enjoy!




The Hilton Netherland Plaza, our hotel--a very swanky place!

It really was a fun show! Thanks, Girls!! You were a blast!!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Glad to hear you're starting to feel better.

    Thanks for the photos. There were 2 great Lone Stars amongst them!!

  2. I find the anesthesia can be the most interesting part of recovery sometimes. Wishing you well. I missed the show this year but happily went last year. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think it is amazing, that a gall bladder is removed via keyhole surgery. When I was in nurse training you were in hospital 2 weeks and had a full blown abdominal scar! & then 3 months off work.


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