
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Busy Week

This week is going to be packed. Already, two events have happened, and the biggest is coming on Saturday.

Monday evening I hosted the Frienzies for a potluck. Only 6 of the 8 were able to make it, but we still had a fantastic time. We ate on the screened porch and talked till way, way late. It was what we think of when we think of slow, easy summer nights with close friends and delicious food. It was perfect. The only picture I can show from that lovely evening is the centerpiece - all flowers from our yard.

Yesterday, Sharon came over for a day of sewing. She is really accomplishing a lot. About a month ago, she and I made a plan to sew certain "themed" quilts together. We have done this before - last summer we used our Roman Holiday fabric in August, and in the winter we devoted March to using our Snowbird fabric. In just casual conversation, we learned that we each wanted to do a red and white quilt, so we decided that July would be our month to get that done. Sharon has been very productive about it; I have not. Yet. There's still some July left, though it appears I am going to miss my deadline. The beauty of our system, though, is that missing a deadline is no big deal. The idea to get a quilt top done by a certain date is more a suggestion than a firm commitment. That suits both Sharon and me perfectly. We have a plan for August, September, and October, too. You'll hear more about those later, no doubt.

That's an awful lot of explanation just to show you Sharon's red and white quilt. I will dispense with the words and get to the good stuff - the pictures!

Sharon selected solid red and solid white for her quilt, and has spent a good amount of time cutting and stitching these checkerboard blocks.

Her pattern comes from a recent APQ magazine cover, which you can see above.

Her next task is to make as 'ba-zillion' hourglass blocks; these squares need to be prepped by drawing a diagonal line on the white and matching up with a red. She was not looking forward to this. Why is it that we really dislike doing those types of tasks? Each of us has some part of the quilt construction process that we balk at, I suppose.

So what else is planned for this week? My husband's big fraternity reunion will be here this Saturday, complete with campers, a tent, catered dinner, and bonfire. It was a huge success last summer, but  RSVPs are down this year. I think the weather is going to cooperate, so even if the numbers are down, those who attend will have beautiful weather to enjoy. Here's a link to details of last summer's party.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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