
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Random Bits

Without anything terribly interesting to share today, it seems as good a time as any to throw some random stuff out there that I've collected in recent weeks.

This expresses my opinion about house work rather perfectly. I found it on either Pinterest or Facebook.

And I really like this sentiment from Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Years ago, I read a book (or two?) by her. I ought to read her again.

A week ago, DH and I spent a day doing family stuff. Part of that meant we had the twins for the day. They are getting to be such big girls now - 8 years old (9 in October!) and going into 3rd grade. Here they are loving on their Aunt Jayne. *love*

I believe you have met Rocky, the sweet kitty belonging to my DD Erin and her hubby Jeff. Well look what arrived in a message several weeks ago.

He apparently likes hanging out in the quilt basket in their apartment. Isn't he  handsome? That quilt rolled up is Broken Dishes, a Kaffe Fassett quilt, which I gave her for a wedding shower gift back in 2014.

And speaking of Erin, a couple of text messages just last night indicate that she is starting a project, which must be some sort of mystery because she was not giving up any details.

This was a Christmas gift from her dad and me which she'd just opened up. Wow. What a nice gift. She sure is a lucky girl to have such thoughtful parents. *grin*

It looks like the beginnings of something wonderful! I will keep you informed as she shares additional details.

I'm a bit late getting a post up today, Peeps. I hope you'll forgive. DH and I went out for our somewhat-regularly-scheduled morning walk  (he actually runs a part of his routine) and I did 5 miles! I am still recovering. Whew! Felt good, though, and I'd like to do it a few more times while the weather is so nice.

Thanks for indulging me with my random bits. While I was out on that walk this morning, I got a few pictures from Sharon P. of a recent finish of hers. You will love it - and if you'll stop back by tomorrow, you will get a look-see.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more about the housework - total waste of time, and effort.


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