
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Floral Diamonds Progress Report

Since finishing that baby quilt a whole two weeks ago, I have been stitching diamonds together. Between running around doing vacation things, finding time to sew has been a very low priority, I regret to admit. However, I knew this would be the case, and I am not terribly distressed by this reality. We came to have fun and DO a lot of stuff, so any sewing I get to do would be gravy on top.

 I want all my fabrics and colors to be scattered pleasingly across the quilt, so I am laying the rows out on the bed and stitching row-by-row.

This method requires that I keep everything in the correct order, and in a makeshift sewing space, that proves somewhat challenging. I am doing okay so far, I think. I do find that I am adding more diamonds onto the ends of these rows, so I hope I am not shocked by odd globs of dark diamonds in an area. So far, so good.

I took several pictures of these rows laid out on the bed so as to be able to reference them should I lose my correct placement. I admit that I've had to consult these photos more than a few times.

I have begun stitching the rows, and this is making me very happy! I love how this is looking! I sure hope I can figure out how to square it up later. Not having my pattern with me has me all discombobulated when "envisioning" sides and top/bottom. Those 60-degree angles make "square" sorta' complicated in my head.

Some vacation highlight pictures will show you what we find ourselves doing most days. We have the most perfect walking trail nearby, and we've walked quite regularly, usually in 2- or 3-mile outings.

The first picture looks as if it could be our walking trail back in Ohio, but the second photo from a different spot on the trail assures us that we are indeed in Florida. With so many lakes and ponds in the area, I couldn't begin to accurately name them all.

Vacation continues and sporadic sewing continues, as well. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Your Floral Diamonds is a celebration of pattern! Yikes....those 60-degree angles would do my head in. =)


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