
Thursday, November 23, 2023


From my quilting room to yours, I hope you have a most wonderful Thanksgiving. 

My quilting room has become dusty this week. (Dustier than normal!) Instead of sewing, I've been in full-throttle hostess prepping mode. Around 30 of my family will be here for turkey and all the trimmings at noon today. 

The big platter awaiting the 18-lb. bird!

A very old table topper.

Fortunately, everyone brings a dish, so all I have prepared is the turkey, both mashed and sweet potatoes, gravy, and rolls. Probably the bigger task is making space for all of us. I have 4 tables up in 4 different rooms. Cleaning and clearing away all our day-to-day clutter has consumed quite a bit of my time this week.

Let me tell you about the exceedingly enjoyable day we set aside for making noodles. My mother has absolutely perfected homemade noodle making, and my sister Sandy and I figure it's high time we learn this skill. Armed with rolling pins and a lot of eggs, butter, and flour, Sandy, my daughter Erin, and I gathered around Sandy's kitchen with Mom. In no time at all, we had 4 batches mixed, rolled out, cut, and spread out on waxed paper. Flour everywhere!! But they look really good!

And you know if daughter Erin was involved, then grand baby Cate toddled around in the midst of all the activity. What a treat. Four generations of noodle-makers! 

Special times with family are what the holidays are all about. And we don't necessarily need THE precise holiday - any day can be a special occasion when dear loved ones spend time together. Can you tell this great grandma is totally smitten with her youngest great-grandchild?

Enjoy those feasts whenever and wherever you have them. I am surely counting my many blessings this Thanksgiving!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. Oohhh, my grandmother used to make homemade egg noodles. I probably watched her make them a hundred times and never learned how...she didn't use a recipe. Thanks for the memory.

    1. Mom doesn't use a recipe, either. I tried to pay very close attention to Mom's method and to the texture of the dough. That is key, I believe. And when rolling out, the dough has to be nearly paper thin!


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