Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome to a new year! 2017! It promises to be a good one, I think. Call me Pollyanna, but I am optimistic that good things are in store.

I have spent much time thinking about the fantastic projects I hope to make in this new year. I listed several in a very recent post, so if you want to see them, just scroll back a bit. And, of course, since making that list, I have thought of at least a half dozen more that I should have included. I suppose at some point I will be amending the goals list for 2017.

For now, I will simply send each of you wishes for a prosperous and blessed new year.

I very nearly missed getting these greetings out today. I had a thought that changing the look of my blog would be a good idea for the new year. Well, it hasn't gone as well as I'd hoped; I fear I've messed up a whole lot of stuff and who knows how long I will need to recover everything. So bear with me as occasionally you might notice things off-kilter. One might assume that a person who blogs has an innate ability to do nerdy computer things.That would be a faulty assumption. This blogger is unusually dense when trying to figure out some of these technical things. πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜• Regardless of how confused I might be, I will keep plugging away at it.

Again, happy 2017!

1 comment:

  1. I am with you there! i am not good with all this techy stuff so plod along until I find a "happy accident" and then take notes for the future. LOL happy 2017!


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