Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sweet Ruby And Her Quilt

In yesterday's post, I alluded to the two tiny baby girls not yet ready to be included in such pictures as that one of the 'big kids' sitting on the garden steps. I'd like to introduce you to the newer of the babies - tiny little Ruby Jean, who is now about 5 weeks old and trying her hardest to grow and become strong. My niece Abby and her husband Stephen have a sweet, agreeable, and content little darling to love on.


She looks tailor-made for the quilt from Great-Aunt Jayne, doesn't she? Ruby is the perfect little bundle for this easy layer-cake creation I made earlier this year.


In the few visits I've made in which Ruby was around, I've never actually seen her eyes as she's always been sleeping. This picture of her with eyes wide open gives me a good idea that she looks remarkably like her two-year-old big brother Boone.

The quilt pattern is an easy one to construct from a layer cake, and results in a baby quilt of ample size. I've made several and it does not require a border. I hope Ruby loves her quilt! I tell all the new moms who get a quilt from me that they should let their kiddos wear them out! I will gladly make another one if their first one falls apart. 

Baby season in our family continues! I still need to share grand-niece McKenzie Mae and her quilt. McKenzie was born in January, and coming in September our daughter Emma will be adding another little girl - our 2nd granddaughter! They and their quilts will be introduced here by and by.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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