Monday, August 19, 2024

Crazy Busy and Catching Up

It’s been a wildly enjoyable week or so around here, and while blog posting has suffered, my fun levels have soared through the roof!

Since my last post - over 10 days ago! - we've attended a luncheon of college friends, attended a family gathering at my sister's, and had our granddaughter for a long weekend. In the midst of that, I went on a 4-day quilt retreat, too. All so very fun - the stuff one imagines retirement is all about!

This week, as the pace slows a bit, I will attempt to catch up on the sewing I've been able to squeeze into spare moments here and there. I've got dozens of posts I could write up here, so we shall see how I manage.

As I attempt to catch up on my posting, I will lead this week off with a conglomeration of photos from some of our activities. Below are two pics of projects I worked on at the retreat. I am happy to report that I finished a couple of things and revisited a very old UFO.

The family fun at my sister's gave us an opportunity to swim with Cate, shown below with her best buddy, Pappaw Kevin.

The number of little people in our family continues to increase. Besides these three - Boone, Cate and Archie - we have two tiny baby girls who will be in the thick of things by next summer.

In addition to the retreat projects above, I have a quilt on the long arm machine and a renewed energy for working on Lake Effect. AND - in case I don' have enough challenges, I'm consolidating the two sewing rooms into just one sewing room, and I've agreed to teach one class at OU-C this coming semester. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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