Thursday, January 9, 2025

Making Yo-Yos!

They're fun! They're fast! They're whimsical! They're happy! They're easy!

Did I say they're fast?

The little pile of yo-yos you see above were all made while we were on the road to Florida. And I didn't even begin on them until we were well into Virginia. I cut the circles for these yo-yos out of a remnant. I'd made a tablecloth for our screened porch table, and with the leftovers I cut circles. My plan is to stitch these together into a garland for next year's Christmas tree.

They are so easily transportable in a cute little tin. 

Yo-yos were on my mind because, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, I discovered so many long-forgotten projects in the midst of my summer's purge. One of those discoveries was a supply of already-cut circles, shown below, for yo-yos. These circles will make smaller yo-yos than my red ones.

I really hadn't planned to work on these, but why not?? I can create a garland out of these, as well. Working on these is far more productive than scrolling mindlessly on the phone.

I'm going to try to be both more productive and waste less time on the phone in this new year. These yo-yos are a good start! And I already have a lot more done since taking this last picture!

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. I love these! What a wonderful idea!

  2. Well crap! I wish you'd quit coming up with ideas! 😆


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