Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hello March!

Ah, I feel springtime approaching! As we welcome March, we can look forward about 3 weeks when we will have the first day of spring! All good things!


Spring is not the only thing on my mind today. A couple of sewing projects are also occupying brain space. We have one month remaining here in Florida before we head back to Ohio. I was supposed to have a lot more done on my sewing projects by now, so I'd best be picking up the pace a bit.

I've stalled somewhat on the GFG. I have made one additional flower; need 14 more. I have prepped more path hexies, and I ought to get back to work on stitching them into the quilt. 

I have made more progress on Smoked Cheddar, in that all the units are constructed. Now I am in the phase of building blocks from those units. It's dull stuff so far; once the blocks are coming together, perhaps I will be more motivated.

One additional bit of stitching has been pillow covers. These two blocks will become the fronts of shams for the guest bed.

But even with this progress, for whatever reason I just don't seem to have the same focus on sewing this year that I had last year. Maybe I need to get a really good book going on my audio player; maybe I just need to stay home more! Ha! 

Anyway, let's just welcome this brand new month and see how productive we can be!

Happy Quilting, Friends!
