Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Guest Room Pillows

Bits of sewing truly are happening here, just much more infrequently than I would ever have predicted. That said, let me share today the pillows which now decorate the guest room bed. It's been a finishing touch for this room that I have wanted to make for awhile; at last it's been accomplished.

 Two basic goals with this project included selecting a simple block design and making pillows that reflect a sunny Florida vibe.

Using 2.5-inch squares in 'granny square' fashion is about as simple a design as I could come up with. Some of the fabrics used are ones purchased recently here from The Quilted Twins as well as some that I brought from Ohio, totally by a stroke of good luck (I didn't plan it, in other words.) 

The pillow inserts had a previous life as matching cushions for a swivel rocker in our family room. Those cushions were not being used, and I'd determined a good while ago that they would be turned into something suitable for the guest room.

I wasn't looking for an exact, matchy-match with the current quilts on this bed. Rather, I wanted pillows that would work with most quilts that might at any point be used in the guest room. My bright blue and green pillows, I think, will fill the bill.  

The pillows are 22-inches, and I used a 3-inch neutral border to achieve the correct size. The same neutral fabric is used as the back of the pillows, and was remnant fabric from a project made last winter here in Florida. All in all, then, this guest room pillow project cost me very little more than my time. 

And that's all I have to say about that.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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