Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A Wensleydale Plan

 Yes, I've been to the big AQS quilt show held last week in Daytona and I saw so much that I am still processing it all. So many quilts and vendors! Truly, it was a bit overwhelming.

So, let me share it in small doses. The easiest place to start is with a particular purchase I made at a very special vendor booth, Sewing The Good Life.

Meeting up with Annette and Craig was a super-fun treat. I'd contacted her a few weeks ago to find out that yes, she would be vending in Daytona. Her booth was the first place I stopped. And the first money I spent! 

And what a special spend it was. Take a look.

These are fabrics by Tilda and they are absolutely scrumptious. All except for that pink one came from Annette's booth. I already have a group of this fabric at home in a blue colorway, so I intentionally selected reds and browns and greens to add to my blues.

And, in quite an unusual twist, I actually have a plan for these Tilda fabrics. Let me take you back to this post for a hint.

Of the handful of quilting goals set forth for this year, one is to make Wensleydale, a paper-pieced beauty of a quilt that I have long admired. At the time I bought the pad of foundation papers, I made this one block.

I used scraps from a previous quilt and found that I wasted quite a bit. I held off making any more while I searched for tutorials on how to make the best use of my fabrics. In the midst of sleuthing, I got to see so many varieties of finished Wenselydale quilts, and this helped me decide to use Tilda fabrics.

The AQS puts on a mighty fine - and ginormous! - quilt show. It'd been a very long time since I've been to a national show, so I was all agog at the incredible workmanship on display. Mighty impressive, to say the least.

In addition to enjoying the show, I have increased my circle of quilting friends. Gayle and her quilting pals Mary and Joan graciously welcomed me and we had a full, fine day. How nice to connect with other quilters! Learning their quilting journeys, their preferences and histories made me feel right at home. My own group of quilting friends would be just as at home with these girls as I was.

I promise to bring pics of all the above. I am sifting through and editing. Eighty-plus pictures! I won't overwhelm you, but I will share as much as feasible.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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