Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Another GFG Update

With guests occupying the sewing room (which doubles as a guest room), I have been forced to work more steadily than I otherwise might on my Grandmother's Flower Garden project. It has been enjoyable, too. We can talk and visit or watch television in the evenings and all the while I can stitch away. 

Last time I shared this quilt, I had nine flowers in my garden. Now I am working on number 14. The red flower in the upper right corner is currently being planted.

I do not know if there is a proven or preferred method for stitching these together, but I seem to be getting along okay, whether it's the standard method or not. After a flower and path section has been added, I generally take out a few more template papers. This allows the quilt to drape more comfortably in my lap while I sew. I leave all the edge templates in place until I have a new flower or path attached to it. This adds sturdiness to the sewing edges.

Whenever DH catches a glimpse of it, he compliments it, and remarks that it is going to be a very pretty quilt. He's either well-trained, or he knows what he likes and makes sure to tell me! *grinning*

Stay tuned! The flower garden shall continue to grow! 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. There is no right or wrong way to sew these flowers together, sew however it works for you. Happy stitching!


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