Monday, April 29, 2024

Taking Stock of Works In Progress

It's Monday morning, and I need to get organized! 

I find myself in the position of having too many irons in the proverbial fire. So many projects clutter my brain space (and my workspace!) that I just need to step back and take stock of it all. My most effective method is to make a list. It both frees up brain space and sets me on a path to finishing these WIPs (Works In Progress) and PHDs (Projects Half Done).

First, finish Tag Sale. I have all the big 9-patches and small 9-patches made. The small 9-patches now need to have the economy triangles added, and I am in the process of doing that. (Photos above.) Then I will make the 4 star blocks to complete all the blocks for the quilt. Follow that up with completing the top and then adding borders. It is all very straightforward.

Second, finish Cate's dress. I cut out a little wrap dress for granddaughter Cate, and I could actually finish it in the time it takes me to write this blog  - that is how simple it is. I bought a digital download on Etsy, so for this first use of the pattern, I want to really understand the one part that could be trouble: turning it right side out. I will share, so stay tuned.

Third, do some long arm quilting. I put a quilt on the long arm machine before Christmas and it is still there. I made one pass of the machine only to discover some wonkiness in my stitches. All the hustle-bustle of Christmas and then the packing for Florida took my attention away from fixing the problem. I must now address whatever issue was involved here, and then get this quilted and bound.

Too many quilts are waiting in the wings to be loaded and quilted! In other words FINISHED!! I'm feeling a greater urgency to finish my quilts, which leads me to the next item on the list.

Fourth, catch up on baby quilts. I have two baby quilts made and ready for the long arm and one more baby quilt needing to be made. Nieces and nephews are having grand nieces and nephews, plus my own children's friends are having babies. I am a bit behind, as per my usual.

Fifth, Lake Effect. 

Oh, Lake Effect! I want you done, yet I rarely take you out of the basket! 

I almost don't want to admit how long I've neglected this quilt - surely multiple months, sadly. I go so long between spurts of working on it that I forget what I was working on and then when I do take it out again, I spend half a day figuring out where I was. Duh. So dumb. 

Okay, This gives me some focus, and I promise to make progress (a little or a lot!) on ALL of these this week!

Of course, plans are afoot for a couple brand new quilts, but those will definitely be waiting until I accomplish some of the tasks listed here. Oh, how I love to start new projects! No wonder I have so many WIPs and UFOs. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. I too have mega WIP but recently have finished a kids quilt for ggd, 2 more long seams to sew on the tiny 9 patch challenge, shortened pants for dil, made a tote bag for dil, have an embroidered top ready for layering. Bound a scalloped edge quilt waiting for 2 years and have 2 more sqs to hand quilt on a large quilt for grand daughter! I am so happy with myself for getting all thus done!! I have (almost) quit looking at new patterns cuz I really don't want to start something new, but I kinda do! It does feel good tho to have gotten so much done. Would be counter productive to quit now. Lol

    1. Gracious! You have been a busy girl! Good for you!! I know how good that feels, too, when you get through a big stack of things that just need to be finished! (Do a little happy dance!!) I hope you get to have fun picking out a brand-new-to-you project soon!


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