Wednesday, October 2, 2024

September Wrap-Up

It seems these monthly wrap-up posts come way too frequently. How months can just fly by like they do mystifies me! 

Let's dive into a recap of my September highlights.

TOP ROW: If an overall look at this collage indicates not a lot of sewing, that would be accurate. The consolidation of 2 sewing rooms into one has taken f-o-r-e-v-e-r! I'm still not done. For an admitted pack-rat, letting go and getting rid of things has proven daunting. I am determined, though, to keep at it until it's done. The first pic is from the beginning of the purge, when I was ready to move out the big cutting table. The next picture shows my crowning glory quilting achievement for the month - quilting my Tiny Nine Patch Challenge quilt was such a milestone finish. I have the binding prepared, but I have yet to sew it on. The final pic in the top row is of Emma in all her 8.5-months' pregnant state. We attended a shower for her with lots of family and friends in attendance.

MIDDLE ROW: One fine Friday afternoon, Kevin and I got to attend our first 'Grandparents' Day' at Cate's daycare/school. Afterwards, we had a good time walking her home with lots of 'flying' and 'swinging' along the way. Mid-month sometime, we hosted the daughters and their families for Sunday dinner. You see that I've engaged Cate's help with washing the potatoes. (She liked playing in the water.) Another family pic, this one of my mom holding little Ruby Jean, at the time, her youngest great-grandchild. Mom's name is Jean, so this little one is a namesake.

BOTTOM ROW: Towards the end of the month, I was finally set up well enough to quilt in the big sewing room where all sewing and quilting will now be housed. That earlier quilt was the last to be quilted in the previous room; the two Kaffe quilts shown in the middle picture are the first to be quilted in this room. And the month ended with the best news of all - the birth of Reagan Jayne, Emma's little one, and our second grandchild. She was a week overdue, so we were all on pins and needles with anticipation. 

October will see me continuing with purging and sorting through several more tubs and boxes of miscellaneous sewing items. Much of what my grandmother gave me is going to be offered to some cousins who are also into various facet of stitching, so I will gladly unload her things to them if they are interested. 

I should have included my impromptu project with Chelsea Garden fabric in yesterday's post. It is definitely one that I want to get back to in the coming few days. It's nothing more than a 9-patch quilt, but these fabrics along with that neutral (it's not from the Chelsea Garden line) looks spectacular.

This picture does not do justice to the actual quilt, but the neutral squares in the pieced blocks really create a nice chain across the quilt, which is the look I want. More to follow on this, for sure.

Okay, I am determined to be more diligent with my blog-posting in October. I've really gotten away from my computer and the blog, and I really do not want to let that trend continue. I must make an effort!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. Redecorating/remodeling always takes longer than expected. The Chelsea 9 patch quilt is very pretty, happy stitching!


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