Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Why So Quiet?

While I doubt that I qualify as a hoarder, the seemingly endless amounts of "stuff" I have sifted through these past several weeks might make one consider the aptness of the term. And that accounts for why I have been so absent from the blog. In stead of sewing and quilting, I am sorting, purging, recycling, and downsizing.

UGH. What a lot of work.

But I don't want to talk about that today. I want to show off our new granddaughter, Reagan Jayne. Besides sorting and purging, we have been taking every opportunity we can to spend time with her.

In the hospital.

First day home!

Welcome home, Little One!

A visit to the park.

First Hocking Hills weekend!

I like Grandma's lap!

Our hearts are just so full with this newest addition to our family. Reagan is a good little baby whose disposition is so very easy-going. After all the extended time we had with her this past weekend in Hocking Hills, we enjoyed many bottles, naps, diaper changes, bouncing and burping. She rarely got fussy and didn't seem to object to being handed back and forth between Grandma and Grandpa. It was wonderful. 

Of course, the weekend also included near-two-year-old Cate and her family, so enjoying both granddaughters at the same time absolutely thrilled us. 

Cate and Reagan with Grandma.

Checking each other out.

Perhaps I will get my blogging mojo back on track, but for now I still have purging to complete and bedrooms to set right. The end does seem to be in sight, and an eventual resumption of sewing/quilting will certainly enhance my blog content options. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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