Thursday, October 24, 2024

Cate's Overalls

A second grandchild post is called for today, and believe it or not, it connects to sewing. 

Back at Christmas time, I made Cate a pair of overalls out of some fabric that her mother had purchased. The overalls turned out just as cute as can be, complete with a row of snaps sewn into the legs for easy diaper changes. Click here for a post about it.

Finally, I have a picture of Cate wearing her overalls! I was unaware that they have been too long all these months. While we were at the cabin in Hocking Hills, Erin dressed Cate in these overalls and they looked just as darling as expected.

They are still a bit long for her, but it was great that Erin made the effort to show off Cate in her fancy, Grandma-made duds. The weather was perfect for a cozy pair of overalls, and she should be able to wear them through these next few months. Cate is always in constant motion, so getting a clear picture of her was challenging. These two are the best of the bunch.

In that post from last December, I referenced the little pastel stripe fabric that was still to be made. I did, in fact, make a sundress for Cate, and I have a picture from their June vacation to Hawaii where she wore it.

Cate looks jet-lag weary, but adorable nonetheless. Seeing these little outfits makes me want to get back into the swing of sewing and making more of these. I have all the necessary materials - mainly patterns and fabric - I just have to do it.

So coming up while I continue sorting through boxes and making donation piles, I have come across some interesting finds in the depths of these long untouched boxes. I honestly didn't know what I had, in a few cases. I think they are worth sharing, so stay tuned for all that in upcoming posts.

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. Sewing for your grandkids is the best! I just made a Mary Poppins costume for my granddaughter and her little brother is going to wear the pumpkin costume I made for her when she was 3. Enjoy those darlings. That make life grand!

  2. Sewing for your grandkids is the best! I just made a Mary Poppins costume for my granddaughter and her little brother is going to wear the pumpkin costume I made for her when she was 3. Enjoy those darlings. That make life grand!


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