Saturday, November 4, 2023

Buckaroo Baby Quilt

A few months ago, several members of our quilting group (The Frankfort Girls) were on a clearing out and giving away sort of mood. Completely unplanned and independent of each other, several went through closets, drawers, and/or storage tubs and came away with a few things they knew they no longer wanted or needed. I was a lucky in this paring down phase as I nabbed a layer cake of Sasparilla which Terry was relinquishing. Seems as though I almost immediately knew I needed yet another baby quilt, and this would be perfect.

I have now made 3 baby quilts using this same design from layer cakes. And it doesn't get much more basic than this - from a 10" square (layer cake size) cut 1-5.5" square, 2-2.5"x5.5" rectangles, and 2-9.5"x2.5" rectangles. That leaves only a bitty piece as waste - 1"x5.5" for the trash. 

I cut this quilt out on Sunday, and had it all stitched up on Monday. A full layer cake will make a quilt 6 blocks by 7 blocks. The blocks will be 9.5" square, and thus the quilt should measure 57"x66.5".

The first quilt I made like this has been gifted to baby Henry L. I made the quilt kit in January for stitching while we were in Florida. That worked out so well. When I learned of these 2 upcoming births - both in January - I knew exactly what I would make. One is for my nephew and his wife who will welcome baby #2, a little girl. 

I don't seem to be able to find a post on my nephew's quilt; maybe I was holding off until I quilted it. Anyway, here's a picture of the blocks. I do have the top sewn together, and most likely, it will be on the longarm this week.

This third quilt, Buckaroo, is for daughter Emma's long-time friend Laura and her hubby. They will become first-time parents.

I am attempting to find suitable backing fabrics for these two quilts from my existing stash. I have every hope that I can come up with something.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. They look lovely, and so simple - I have layer cakes I can do this with so I've noted the measurements and will soon be ready to go!" yay!
    Thanks, Elaine in UK


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