atch Up, that is. Geesshh! I always seem to be behind. I imagine that everyone feels like they have duties, jobs, whatever, waiting in the wings needing to be done. But, really, don't some people seem like they ALWAYS have it together?
Well, I usually don't worry too much about being behind in things. I have a rather laid-back attitude toward most things these days. Life is just too short to stress about things.
So, last Friday morning (see, I said I was catching up), we had quilting. The day was scheduled to be at Sheryll's house, however one of our group, Sharon, has recently had foot surgery, and she would be unable to attend, so we just took that party to her house-with her permission, of course.
Here's our laid-up friend's leg and foot, tootsies elevated and snugly packed in a protective boot.
Sharon's toes were the problem here. She'd always had very crooked toes, and in recent years they'd become quite painful when wearing shoes and even sandals. It had gotten to the point that corrective measures needed to be taken. She has to be totally off her foot for about 4 weeks, and then will be able to slowly begin putting weight on it again. The other foot has to be done, too, but I don't know how soon she will be up for a repeat of this ordeal. She showed us a picture of her foot with all the bandages off, and oh, my gracious!!! What a simply (pardon me, Sharon) grotesque image!! It was quite an involved surgery, with pins inserted into toes, and incisions and stitches, ouch!! Get well soon, Sharon!!
I've been showing her progress on this project throughout the past couple of months. Sharon's little patriotic table-topper is coming along nicely.
Here's what Sheryll was working on. I tell you, she is so skilled with her handstitching. She does beautiful applique and here she is buttonhole stitching this wintery, wool table-topper.
Terry was stitching down a binding on a small wall-hanging. She'd just gotten this back from a machine-quilter who made the stitches look like hand-quilting (there's a certain brand of quilting machines that does this particular stitch, but I forget what it's called). I just love the yellow and blue reproduction fabrics. Very pretty!
A little later in the morning, Sharon had a good friend and former co-worker coming down. She, too, is a quilter, and brought this bowtie quilt. She made it for a friend who's husband had recently passed away. The bowties are actually fabrics from the man's ties. The bowtie block backgrounds are his shirts.
In the corners of the border, she'd selected meaningful emblems from a variety of sources - one corner even has the patch from the front of a cap. Very nice; it was fun meeting her; she seemed like such a fun person.
I finally put the finishing touches on the yo-yo table-topper I'd been working on. Here it is at Sharon's house. It is now adorning my kitchen table.
Gotta run - I mean walk. It's time to meet Vickie, my walking buddy. We've been pretty pathetic about our walking this summer.
Happy Quilting, Friends!