Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fellowship With the Frankfort Girls

After missing one get together while I was gone on vacation, I was super-stoked to see the girls yesterday at Becky's.

We only had one show and tell from the group - a first birthday quilt made by Sheryll for her granddaughter. Bunnies are "a thing" with the baby's family, so this will undoubtedly be well-received. The fabrics are by Corey Yoder/Coriander Quilts.

Yesterday was one of those mornings where 3 hours just wasn't enough time to talk about all the things. We had so much catching up to do and so much to share that we barely accomplished any stitching. I can't speak for the other gals, but I took two projects and did just a tad on both.

This little quilt from last summer has needed finishing for far too long. It is a Kim Diehl-inspired project that she hosted on Instagram. I had made a lot of progress with the big-stitch quilting, and then I ran out of floss. I had no idea what the color number was, so rather than obsess over it, I just bought a brown that looked suitable and proceeded. It was satisfying; I am very close to a finish. 

My other project for the morning was cutting out some background units for two more periwinkle blocks. I worked on these while on vacation, and if I can eke two more out of my scraps, I will have 25 blocks, and that will be just fine for a pretty table topper or wall hanging. I will need to locate some border fabric, but this will be a fun little dilemma to tackle.

So we met - all but Jan - and visited and caught up with each other. Next time we get together will be here at my house. You are invited, too! *smile*

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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