Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Long Arm Plan I Can Stick To

Today's post is about my tendency to be indecisive. Sometimes, making a decision is harder than the actual DOING!

Since becoming more proficient with the long arm machine, I find that I often feel stymied by which quilt to choose for quilting. Duh. Such a dumb thing, this indecision. 

Cobalt Stars - pieced in 2021; quilted in 2023.

Often, I decide based on need. Like right now, I have two baby girls needing quilts, and those will be at the top of the long arming list (but first I have to actually MAKE THEM!!)  My plan is to make them both like this one that I made for Cate in 2022.

Copy-cat Kaffe - pieced & quilted in 2022.

Sometimes, I decide based on seasonal changes. For example, that fall leaves quilt I made last year will very likely find itself quilted just prior to our changing of leaves here in Ohio - around the first of September, very likely. It's still hanging on the design wall.
Fall Leaves - pieced in 2023.

I've had an idea for a more definitive plan to combat all my dithering. It is one I think I can actually work with, by George.

When not pressed to quilt something in a timely way, I will reach for the earliest quilt in my closet and load that onto the long arm.  I will continue working my way forward through the years until everything is quilted.

Since I keep track of what I make each year on yearly pages, this should be easily managed. When I click on 2010, my first year of blogging, I see that only two quilts still await quilting. 

Americana Rose - pieced in 2010.

 Americana Rose was made from a kit - a rare thing for me. I've always envisioned this as a table cloth for our screened porch table. Wouldn't it look great for a July 4th celebration? 

Hourglass Quilt - Pieced in 2010.

Hourglass Quilt is a Thimbleberries pattern (and not necessarily Thimbleberries fabrics), and I still love the colors as well as that feathery outer border. I'd love to have this finished and displayed in the fall or at Christmas time. It has a primitive vibe, wouldn't you agree?

Honestly, I could so easily finish off all the 2010 projects. Everything else I made that year is done, which quite frankly, surprises me. I had no idea! Perhaps it's why I like this idea of working through the years chronologically? Yes, probably.

Doing this post makes me think that I have not checked back over my 2024 goals list lately. I ought to see how I am progressing. I've had a few 'tangents' lately, so I could be way off-kilter - who knows.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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