Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Temecula Baskets Reveal

Final binding stitches have been taken on Temecula Baskets and she's at last ready for her coming out party.

And by party, I mean let's lay her out on the front lawn and take a picture. I don't currently have a proper bed to put her on! (Remodeling continues...)

The backstory on my making this quilt is pretty well outlined in this post from early 2022. To my recollection, I’d ordered some FQ bundles from Temecula Quilt Company/Marcus Fabrics and had been saving them for ‘just the right’ quilt.

When I saw a sweet basket block in my 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks book by Judy Hopkins, I knew a perfect match was made. Sewing the blocks was fun and fast. I recall putting a lot of thought into the direction of my setting blocks, and I’m still very pleased with this layout. 

This book, by the way, has been a favorite go-to of mine for a long, long time. Honestly, one would never need to buy another pattern or book with this on the shelf. (Of course, that's putting quite a stretch on a quilter, but it could be done.)

So here are a couple more shots of Temecula Baskets. The red border pleases me, as do the subtle gray setting blocks. All-in-all, I am pleased as punch with this adorable basket quilt.

Ongoing while finishing the master bedroom, I have been boxing up various items that will be donated. I will have near 300 books going soon to our library's book sale. I also plan to purge some of the fabric in my stash. I know - big shock!! I've gotta' be realistic: there's no way will I ever - EVER! - use it all.


And when I need a sewing fix, I continue working on Tiny Nine Patches; gosh it's going to look so amazing. I put the first border on yesterday. Today I will press it all, and then add the next border which is just one fabric (not pieced, in other words). The final border is pieced, and I will need to decide how I will proceed with it. All those gazillion bits I made in Florida are just about all used up. Hooray!

Hope you're having a great day!


1 comment:

  1. The baskets is beautiful! So are the little squares, happy stitching!


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