Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hello July!


Three days into the month and weather-wise, we couldn’t be having any more perfect weather! These past couple of days have been the epitome of ‘chamber of commerce days.’ Comfortable temps, clear blue skies, pleasant breezes and low humidity. 

July, you’re looking good so far! 

I’ve compiled my June collage, so let’s recap last month’s highlights. A quick glance at this collection indicates that Cate time might just be more precious than quilting time. *wink*

TOP ROW: Our Cate just grows and grows! And she's adorable through and through. We kept daughter Erin's two cats while they were vacationing in Hawaii. Here, Betty is inspecting my quilt-binding skills. And the quilt I was binding, Paris Flea Market Find, is finished and ready for use.

MIDDLE ROW: Another quilt fresh off the long arm was Temecula Baskets. I am just now getting around to binding it; a good activity for when we are watching Tour de France. Next, remodeling. Can you imagine the BIG mess that currently exists in our upstairs as a result of this bedroom remodel? When one removes 31+ years of accumulations from a room, the fallout is gargantuan! I keep too much stuff! *waaaa* Third, a sleepy Cate models the wrap dress I made her; thank you, Erin, for sending many pictures from Hawaii!

BOTTOM ROW: Back in Ohio after vacationing, Cate was happy as can be to return to her friends and teachers at daycare. Next, I made great strides on Tiny 9-Patches, finishing the 4 corner triangles late on the last day of the month. Finally, one more picture of Cate from this past Sunday. We hosted both our daughters and their families for lunch. It was our 45th wedding anniversary! Low-key celebrating, but wonderful to relax with them all and enjoy their company.

Now, July is here and we have work to do! Getting our bedroom back in working order is the top goal, as well as removing all that has been stacked in the hallway, the guest bedroom and the long arm room. Believe me when I say we have stuff piled up everywhere! Even the shower in the main bathroom has luggage and boxes stacked inside. Navigating through some of these spaces is risky business, for sure.

Goodbye walls of  Tuscan-inspired 'Cider Toddy' and hello calm and restful 'Agreeable Gray.' We have used Agreeable Gray throughout our downstairs, and we still love it, so deciding to use it in the bedroom was a no-brainer. Yesterday, the new floor was laid, and soon I hope to be sharing a completed look at our re-do. The rug is scheduled for delivery on July 11, so it will be at least another week before I share. Stay tuned!

And here's a sneak-peek of Tiny 9-Patches. Since the bedroom was unavailable, I had to bring it outdoors for a photo. The corners are on there, but they haven't yet been pressed out. My decision now is whether or not to add borders, and if I do, how many? The inspiration quilt (bottom of link) is what I'd like to continue imitating, but I am not yet fully committed. While I work on completing our bedroom project, I will be considering border options.

Gotta' get going! Things to do! Hope you have a great day and a fantastic July!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. The borders on the inspiration quilt is lovely and will look very nice on your quilt also. Happy stitching!


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