Thursday, July 25, 2024

Putting It All Back Together

Mostly, our remodel is complete. However, the mess left in the wake of the remodel is ongoing. Bit by bit, tweaking things here and there we will eventually have everything put back together. Temporarily, my quilt rack sits along one wall in our bedroom. Before the remodel, the quilt rack sat at the foot of our bed, and the wall was filled with bookshelves.

I doubt this surprises no one, but I like displaying quilts. I am happy to have these colorful additions back in this room. Let's look at them a bit more closely.

In front, Long Road Home and Temecula Baskets. Note that both quilts are set on point and use red setting triangles to border the designs. I do like that look. Another similarity is that the placement of the blocks affords the chaining across the quilt, two directions on Long Road Home and just vertically on Temecula Baskets.


On the middle row of the quilt rack we have Paris Flea Market Find and 6-Pointed Stars. Here are close-ups of them. Two items of note with these: PFMF is new this year (!)  as I totally made it and quilted it in April, May and June. My 6-Pointed Stars, on the other hand, has been around for awhile. I'm especially proud of it as it is the only quilt I have totally hand-pieced and hand-quilted.

Hanging on the back of the rack, I've got two of my older lovelies - soft and squishy from washing and use. Tag Sale and English Elegance both have a cottage-y vibe about them with their pastel colors and floral themes.

Both of these quilts were primarily hand-pieced (by me), and both were hand-quilted. I quilted Tag Sale and my late grandmother quilted English Elegance. I made these quilts while I was still working full time with all three children still at home. I suspect it took me years to complete them.

The quilt rack is just one of many item being returned to their proper places. Yes, with concerted effort and focus, things do eventually fall into place.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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