Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Current Sewing Room Status

The last 10 days have been a whirlwind of activity in the sewing room consolidation effort. Let me show you things as they stand at present.

This picture shows most of my new and improved sewing room - aka Jayne's Quilting Room. It's a big room, yet I didn't have room in the previous set-up for this long arm machine. This is what precipitated my needing to do a major clear-out. 

The big clunky desk is gone, and now Sharon and I are sewing on these matching former typing tables. These tables were discarded from the high school where we both taught. I took one, and didn't even know that she took one, too. When we were looking at options for where to sew and how to configure this corner, she told me she had a table in storage. So, she brought it over and look at how perfectly this works! I am very pleased with the layout; the TV trays can be scooted under the tables when not in use, which saves space. We have had 2 sewing days with this set-up and it seems to be working out pretty well. 

The giant cutting table is gone, and now the long arm machine sits in its place. It was necessary to figure out a new cutting area. The painted blue dresser has become my cutting table. To make the height work I put it on risers, and so far so good for this set-up. I've not cut any big stuff yet, so we may have to tweak it, but this is working for smaller cutting jobs.

Movement around the long arm machine has a couple of tight spots, but is totally doable. I've stored all the battings under the frame, and already have the 4th quilt on for quilting. (I've done 2 baby quilts; Sharon's done one.) 

So, the part I still need to address is the previous long arm room. I moved all the excess into that room, and now the big job is dealing with this remaining detritus. I save too much stuff; I am a lousy organizer; I would rather sew or quilt. 

In other words, making myself deal with all of this is going to take a huge effort on my part. I'm trying to make myself do one box or tub per day. Usually doing one gets me going, and then I can do more - sometimes. Things will look a whole lot better after we've had our garage sale. My neighbor and I are doing one together next month. Getting to clear out all of that excess will make a huge impact on organizing efforts!

In other news, we are still waiting on #2 granddaughter to be born. She was due on Monday, so any moment now we could get the call that brings us happy news!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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