Sunday, September 29, 2024

Binding A Special Quilt

A very special bride in my Frienzies group will at last be getting her wedding quilt as soon as I finish this binding and return it to the group at our next gathering.

Susan's daughter Kenly requested a neutral quilt with grays and beiges. A few of the girls shopped for just the right combination of fabrics to make this gorgeous, subtle quilt with a modern vibe that so many of the younger girls prefer. One year ago to the date (!) we had a fun sewing day making this quilt (detailed in this post). Even our dear Frienzie Kay, who has been in memory care for a few years, contributed to this quilt b/c one of the girls had saved the great dotted grunge fabric from Kay's stash. Doesn't it work perfectly as a backing?

We finally did find a quilter who worked closely with us to come up with the perfect quilting, and now it's back here at my house to be bound. I am nearly finished - just one side to finish. I'll share full, complete pics once we've gifted it to our bride.

Joining up today with Kathy and her Slow Sunday Stitching party. It's always fun - and inspiring - to see what other quilters and stitchers are working on. 

Have a great day! We are still waiting on the arrival of a grandbaby - maybe soon! If you read Kathy's post, you've learned that she's just become a first-time grandma! She seems just as excited as you would expect. *smiles*

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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