Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Long-Awaited Reveal

The year has been filled with far more things than quilting, so 2024 is definitely seeing a markedly reduced number of quilt finishes. We are celebrating today the near-finish of Tiny Nine Patches! A whopper of a quilt, she needs only to have her binding attached and a label secured, then she will truly be finished. 

Many previous posts have chronicled the long journey this quilt has made from start to finish. Here's my Reader's Digest condensed version.

She was actually started before I knew what she was going to be. I was making 9-patch blocks out of a huge tub of 1.5-inch squares and strips - all scraps. The amount of scraps in this small size had gotten completely out of hand, so I decided that it would be easiest to just make 9-patches and then figure out what to do with them later.

During the process of completing the 'niners' I found a fun sew-along or a challenge hosted on Instagram by Taryn @reproquiltlover. It looked like a very doable effort, so I joined in. This post describes my initial sewing as well as discovering Taryn.

By February, I was well into the 300s for completed 9-patches. I'd also purchased my background fabric. I loved it in the store, I loved it laid out with my blocks, and I still love it in my quilted finish. It has the look of a faded old quilt and it so nicely sets off all the little 9-patch gems.

I didn't begin sewing the blocks together until we came home, and when I did, I couldn't believe how quickly the entire top went together. I even changed my mind midway into creating a straight-set quilt, opting instead an on-point quilt. Read about that in this post.

Making this has taken me on so many reminiscences! I come across a bit of fabric here and there and there and am reminded of the quilts I made with them. Most have a story, and don't get me started if you are here and we begin pointing out different blocks. I have fabrics from my old projects plus bits from my grandma, and also from a handful of friends. Some represent quilts I have gifted, while others are quilt tops hanging in my closet waiting to be quilted. 

The quilt measures 100x80 inches. In previous posts, I talked about making it a square quilt, but I cut one side down a bit so that I could get it on my long arm machine! 100 inches is just way too big! I calculate that there are over 5400 pieces of fabric used in this 22x20-block quilt. I also have 1.5-inch pieces in the 4-patch border. 

I've linked up with Cynthia and her weekly Oh, Scrap! link party. Go have a look at other scrappy endeavors!

Happily, my small scrap bin is nearly empty!

Yay for a finish!

Hope you have a great week! Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. The little print you chose for setting the blocks together is so perfect. And, I love 9 patches.

  2. Good stuff! She's sooo pretty. My top still hanging on my design wall. I did however sew AND finish a scrap quilt. Did it on the machine. Switched gears and into another of my hobbies. I seem to have the attention span of a flea. Glad you can finish your projects - gives me some hope I can finish mine. Lol

  3. I'm normally a blog lurker but I have to comment today. Your quilt turned out beautiful! I love your background fabric, it does give the whole quilt a vintage look. Congrats on a wonderful finish.

  4. Oh wow, she is a beauty!! All those little nine patches look so cosy and at home with the lovely background fabric. I love all the stories of the different fabrics and reminisces through the years. How beautiful she looks resting atop the bed.

  5. Gorgeous! She is gorgeous! I have over 400 9-patch blocks made so far and have no intention of stopping because there's so many beautiful quilt make with them. This is the perfect example. Well done. ;^)

  6. She's a beauty and very special too with all the various fabrics in it. Happy stitching!

  7. What a beauty!! This is so classic and wonderful. What a boat load of work and to think, you never had a clear plan from the start! Well done and thanks so much for sharing.


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