Tuesday, September 17, 2024

When The Move Is Completed...

I am going to be so focused on finishing both WIPs (works in progress) and a few brand new projects. 

Here are a few WIPs I am itching to get back to. Some are more urgent than others, but I'm looking forward to finishing them all.

This is one of my urgent WIPs. The Frienzies made this quilt over a year ago, then there was a big saga about getting it quilted (lady doing it suddenly retired; returned to us unquilted; searched for a new quilter, and so on). Finally, it is now quilted - and look at how awesome!! I volunteered to bind it. Then as if this quilt needed more saga material, my machine that has the walking foot went in for repairs. I have the machine back, and now my sewing space is a wreck. I hope to be working on this binding by the week's end.

And while I'm binding, I might as well go ahead and do this big cutie. I have no particular fabric picked out for her, so I probably will find something in the stash and make 20 miles of binding. It'll be nice to finally have it completed.

You saw these blocks that I made last month at retreat; I have made several more but I've lost count of how many are needed; I must take stock and finish the remaining blocks so I can begin putting them all together.

Then there are things to be quilted. Many things, actually, but the ones high on my to-do/must-do list are baby quilts.

I have this quilt top sewn together and another one that is identical. It will take no time at all to quilt them, and you can bet that this will be happening very, very soon. I also need to quilt Pinwheels, shown below.


Now, you know I have more quilt tops to be quilted, and pretty high on the list is Fall Leaves that I rushed to make last year; I really would like to have it quilted this fall, so I will prioritize it.

Then there are all the new projects calling to me from the depths of the tubs and bins I have moved all over creation in the process of consolidating these 2 sewing rooms. I will share those soon, as well as an update on the progress I am making toward finishing this major move.
Happy Quilting, Friends!

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