Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sharon's Kites are Taking Shape!

 We had such a good day of sewing on Tuesday. I showed you my Meadow Lily (complete with the late-discovered wonky block - see this post). Now I will show you the progress Sharon made on her Kites quilt.

Sharon laid out all her blocks a couple of weeks ago; you read about that in this post. She labeled each row as she picked it up. Check out the numbered sticky note, below. With everything properly organized, she was quite the efficient stitcher on Tuesday. Row after row, those strips were formed.

She systematically worked her way across the quilt. It is set on point, so the first 13 or 14 got progressively longer, but of course, once she reached that long middle row they grew shorter, and then finishing each row became faster and faster. I believe she will have about 27 diagonal rows; it'll be a big quilt.

By the end of the day, she had moved into flimsy construction, and just take a look at this beauty taking shape. It is so very playful. Talk about a quilt that exudes FUN! I cannot wait to see it completed. I know Sharon is stoked about finishing, too, so we should soon have a happy quilt to share here!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. I can't wait to see Sharon's quilt quilted. It is such a happy quilt!

  2. Just caught up on your posts, Jayne. I wish I could find myself in Coshocton! That is a beauty of a store. I loved what you bought. Meanwhile, looks like Sharon is so organized. Even when I line things up, I can still make a mistake. Such brilliant colours in this one!


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