Wednesday, November 15, 2017

An Update on Erin

Last week when I was trying to climb out of my blogging slump, I offered up a couple of updates on quilting exploits by my younger daughter and my dear friend. Today, I bring you yet another update - this time from older daughter Erin. Just like her younger sister, she too, has been busy making a baby quilt. Below is the inspiration picture that Erin referenced in building her version.

She shopped for fabric, and in good "quilter-in-training" form she bought more than she needed or wanted. Some of each group would work, but not all, so of course it becomes necessary to buy it all, then select the ones you want, right?

Next, cut out pieces and begin sewing. Easy, peasy. And audition every so often, just to get a feel for what is taking shape.

At times it is necessary to "unsew." This activity is best done with coffee and a supportive friend to help.

After the supportive friend has done his part, he gets to prance about on the growing project.

After Erin finished the piecing, she formed the quilt sandwich; she used a really soft sweatshirt material for the backing. I imagine after it is washed a few times, this side of the quilt will feel quite soft and warm.

Erin is a meticulous quilter, putting her mother to shame. I hurry too much. She took her time and very deliberately formed her stitches in the straightest lines I've ever seen.

Eventually, Erin's fastidious attention to detail resulted in a finished quilt. It is just wonderful, of course. The nautical theme fits with the family, as they have memories filled with lakes, cabins, boats and summer vacations. The occasional pop of red that these fabrics offer is a nice surprise, and adds interest. Don't you love that lone red heart in the block above with all the anchors?

Just as Erin was ready to attach the binding, the wee one was born; this enabled her to incorporate a label with the initials and DOB. Notice the subtle red flange? Nice touch!

The binding looks fabulous, and finishes the quilt perfectly. Honestly, Erin does not get this artistic "design eye" from me - others in the family are far more artistic. I sure can appreciate it, though.

And as my final pic for this post, let me introduce the sweet little man for whom this quilt was made!

This is Jordan. He is the nephew of our son-in-law. Erin and Jeff will be meeting him for the first time this weekend as they are traveling to Minnesota on Thursday. The quilt will be presented then. I just know they will love it.

My girls sure are getting to be good with baby quilts, aren't they? I am always so pleased when I learn that another one is needed. It is a sure sign that they will get as hooked on quilting as I am. Continue the tradition!! Their great-grandma Wharton would be so proud. *smile*

I do believe I have a couple more updates on various quilting friends still to bring you all, so come on back to check 'em out.

Happy Quilting, Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Had to read this post, as my name is also Erin. Your daughter did a lovely job with this quilt!


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