On Friday morning the Frankfort Girls met over at Sharon O's house. Only five of us were in attendance, but we had such a nice show and tell, that I thought I would share with you. We regularly have show and tells; I am very irregular in recording and sharing them, however.
Sometimes, we finish all the projects at one time, or so it seems, and Friday was one of those days were finishes were plentiful. Helen shared 3 finishes (either completed quilts or just quilt tops), Becky had one completed quilt, and I added one more completed quilt with 3 quilt tops.
Here we go. From Helen:
Her completed top is Schoolgirl Sampler. It is stunning.
This quilt top is Kitty Corn; she is not going to add the appliqued cat.
Fisher Price Little People - perfectly FUN!
From Becky we have a real stunner of a quilt. This is an heirloom, for sure.
Forermore BOM by Pam Buda. This is exquisite!
And from me, I shared quilts I've already shared here on the blog, but I will post them again.
My Scrappy Irish Chain.
Emma's Monochromatic Ohio Star.
My red and white stars.
The baby quilt which I still cannot reveal just yet.
So we had a lovely morning, even without two of our cherished members. We will (mostly) all be together next week for a mini-retreat over at Nelsonville's Needles and Pines. We were there for a whole week back in April, and are returning for just 3 days this time around. This will undoubtedly mean more show and tell posts are in our future!
Happy Quilting, Friends!
The quilts are all lovely, have a wonderful time at retreat with lots of happy stitching!