Sunday, February 6, 2022

Winter Storm and Another Quilt Top

Mother Nature might be telling us we should have stayed in Florida. The first week back from our month-long vacation provided us with quite the winter storm. This 43-second video was taken Thursday afternoon outside our front door. Listen to it; who knew ice was so noisy?! (I hope it works; to my knowledge I've never loaded a video of my own before.)

On Thursday we had rain, then ice as temperatures fell. Branches, leaves, and eaves still have about a quarter-inch of ice hanging from them. Overnight, the precipitation turned to snow, and by day's end Friday, we had about 3 inches on top of the ice. Needless to say, we have been housebound. DH went out yesterday (Saturday) for the first time; I still have not and may keep it that way for another day or two.

Front yard; same general area as shown in video.

One would think that I'd have spent the time stitching away, but it occurs to me that I am a storm worrier, a tendency I believe I inherited from Mom. I have several vivid memories of her pacing around the house and looking out windows during serious storms over the years. I have the added duty of checking the weather app way more than necessary, just to see the storm's progress.

Back yard; Saturday's sunshine.

I barely did any sewing during the storm. Thankfully, the electric lines held firm, and we never lost power. The worst of our fate was that the internet was out for about a day, followed by a weak signal for about another day. Today, connectivity seems back to normal.


I love how the sunshine makes the ice glisten and sparkle.

The quilt top I am sharing today was completed prior to the weather event. Several years ago, Jan gifted each of us Frankfort Girls and a couple extras with a quilt kit. Some made theirs right away while I have had mine in storage, awaiting just the right time for its use. That time came with the early arrival of a girlfriend's baby granddaughter. Her arrival was to be quite a few weeks out yet; baby's timing wins out.


In a dusty and battered zip-bag, all the parts for this quilt were waiting to be organized and stitched. Gosh! It was fun getting to go straight to work and not have to find the fabrics, cut the strips and count the colors. I have never considered myself a fan of kits (too much fabric on hand already!), but this could convert me.

Strips cut and ready for sewing.

Monday and Tuesday, I was busy-busy-busy making units, sewing rows and finishing the top. Talk about gratifying! The ease and simplicity were perfect!

Units ready for chain piecing.

Early chain piecing; first two columns done.

After I did about 4 columns, I realized that my system could be made a lot more efficient by having the remaining columns laid out in order. This really was a huge time saver. And look at those primary colors! I love it! This is one of those cheery, fun quilts that just screams to be used and abused. With just about every baby quilt I make, I have in mind that the recipients will use it and love it and wear it out.

This quilt measures 48" x 64" - a twin batting will be used. I have it on the long arm frame now, and as soon as I figure out how to get my timing in sync, I am ready to quilt it. 

The timing issue is one I am determined to figure out. I've watched it on You-Tube videos, and I've seen it fixed in person. Now to do it on my own. I have my determination face on!

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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