Friday, January 12, 2024

Garment Sewing

Before I ever thought I'd be making quilts, I had a good many years of experience making clothes - my own clothes. I would venture to say that by the 9th grade, I was making most of what I wore to school and church. Mom still sewed for us girls, but I was capable by that age to tackle most of the patterns that appealed to me. 

And while I've not really dealt with garment patterns very much in the last 30 years, I still have a couple boxes of old ones tucked in the back of the closet. When Cate was born, I took out all the little girl patterns I had and sorted them by age/size. I brought one pattern with me to Florida to make a little summer dress for our girl.

If you recall, daughter Erin gave me three pieces of fabric and asked if I would make Cate outfits from them. I have two of the three done, and this stripe is all that remains. I am using the pattern shown to make the white version in the bottom left corner. It is lined, so I will need to go shopping (darn!), but this little dress will be on my agenda while here in Florida.

I don't know this pattern's history or how I came to own it. I do not recall ever making it for my girls. It may have been given to me - back in the day sewing friends often handed off patterns when their children had outgrown that size. Who knows?? I sure don't. Anyway, the sizing has me rather mystified. When the patterns were by months, I had a good idea of the size to select, but do these numbers indicate years? 

Whatever. The instructions from Erin were to make the biggest size I could with the amount of fabric available. Good plan. If it's too big, then Cate will grown into it.

When Erin and I were collaborating on this project, the pattern had been tossed over on the coffee table - look who was interested in it!! Our Cate! Wouldn't it be great if one day she had an interest in sewing and/or quilting?

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. Oh, cute pattern. I remember remember that pattern! I made the lined version, the one you're planning to make, for my daughter and remember that it never hung quite right because of the lining. I think the pattern said to sew across the bottom and turn the whole outside out, but that lining kept wanting to creep down and show itself at the bottom of the dress. Of course, it could be because I'm a self-taught sewer....
    The sizes roughly correspond to age but I've found them inaccurate.
    Your little Cate is adorable. It seems like she was just a newborn a month or so ago. Time flies, doesn't it?!

    1. I appreciate your warning me about the lining. I will try to account for that while sewing. Isn't it amazing how time just flies and in just a blink of an eye she's gone from infant to toddler!

  2. I think the sizing is Toddler sizing. Child sizing comes next and usually starts with 2.

    1. I appreciate your telling me. At one time I probably knew, but for so long it was unused info, so I just forgot!

  3. I would go by your granddaughter’s measurements, not size. When I sewed for my children, the pattern sizes were not the same as ready to wear sizes.

    1. I did consider this, but I hated to ask Erin to attempt a measurement as she's so wiggly. I did wonder about the accuracy of the sizing compared to ready made clothes.


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