Thursday, May 9, 2024

Remember That Little List?

Awhile back, I made a brief list of WIPs and UFOs that I hoped to tackle for the week. Let’s see how I did.

☑ First on my list was to finish the blocks for Tag Sale and get going on the quilt top construction. I can happily report that all the blocks are made and I am sewing rows and columns together.

☑ Next on the list was to finish the little wrap-dress for Cate. Yes! I did indeed finish it, and it has been delivered to her. I now need to get some bloomers made with the leftover fabrics.

☑ Third on my list was to do some long-arming, and I am happy to report that I did finish the spring flowers quilt that was on the frame. I have attached the binding and am ready to hand-stitch it down. I will share it in full when finished.
Fourth on the list was to get some baby quilts worked on, but I really can't claim any progress here. I don't have proper backing for the 2 tops that are sewn, and I have too many things cluttering my cutting table to cut out yet another one for a baby girl expected in August. So we wait on baby quilt progress.

☑ Last on the list was to work on Lake Effect, and yes, I did! Whoopee! I need to join the leafy vine at all 4 corners of the applique border. So I fiddled around and got started on one. I am totally inventing this - in other words, the pattern is a mere suggestion at this point. I know I can do it.

Making that list really did help me keep my focus on the essential tasks at hand. I might not have addressed every iron in that fire, but I made headway on most of them. 

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. You made great progress! I'm really excited about Lake Effect, I can't wait to see this beauty in the flimy stage, happy stitching!

  2. Well done! As for Lake Effect--only you know how the pattern is, so however you make it work is the way it should be. I have a BA quilt started for yr 2000 with 1 block to go. It's finally coming out of hibernation. Maybe we can both make some progress. Lol


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