Friday, May 31, 2024

Useful Scraps

You may recall that I’d made a whole bunch of HSTs back in April from the cutaway corners needed for Paris Flea Market Find

Just on a whim, I made this little pinwheel from 4 of the cutaways, and I really found that little cutie to be quite appealing. For awhile now I have desired a good excuse for making a pinwheel quilt. Perhaps would be just the thing to spur me on.

By leaving that pinwheel and baggie full of HSTs out near my sewing machine, I was constantly reminded that this could easily be started and finished for a sweet baby girl quilt.

And just like that, I started it. I'd taken care to make all the HSTs as uniform in size as possible (note the very narrow seam allowances!). It was a chain-piecer's delight.

In no time at all, I had my pinwheels laid out with the leftover background fabric used in Paris Flea Market Find. I went to my tub of 3 Sisters fabrics for the border print, and voila!! A happy, cheerful pinwheel quilt for one of the 2 baby girls coming soon in our family.

I had to piece about 5 of the setting blocks to make this work,  but you know that will melt away into the crinkly-ness once it's quilted. So YAY!! I am happy for this little freebie! I used all the remnants, didn't waste fabric, and it was a free bonus quilt!
Gotta run! The Frankfort Girls are meeting this morning!
Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. A very cute quilt and you used all the scraps pieces! You are awesome girl! Enjoy your day with friends, happy stitching!

  2. Oh that's so sweet! Little pinwheels are a favorite. Good job using the cutoffs. Always a bonus.


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