Friday, May 10, 2024

Visiting Marilyn

A little over a week ago we - DH and I - took a drive with my mom down to Peebles to have a visit with her uncle, my great uncle. Last November, he took a pretty serious fall and at age 94, you can imagine how slow the healing process has been.

Anyway, a pleasant, springtime front porch visit does a world of good for anyone, but for both Uncle John and Mom, I think it was the absolute best medicine for shaking off the winter doldrums.


Now, to get to the point of this post! You’ve met Marilyn before - go here and here and here to read some earlier posts featuring Marilyn. I want you to see the pretty quilt hanging on the wall in their family room. It’s a Lori Holt pattern and it looks so cheerful in all its glorious spring colors. Isn't it spectacular?!

Her sewing room is as neat as a pin - I’m so envious! Not wanting to be intrusive or presumptuous, I only took one picture of it. One of the features I especially liked were these shelves where fabrics are folded onto cardboard. She said that was a lot of work and could be accomplished in other ways. However, she does recommend being able to see your fabrics, and not having to dig them out of tubs or drawers. This definitely has merit, and makes me consider how I might accomplish this in my own sewing room.

Another thing I like about her space is that she has wood flooring, not carpeting. Mine is carpeted, and it is just so hard to clean. Sewing creates so much thread, lint and dust; I know it would be better to be able to dust-mop hard floors. 

Not much to show you, but a tiny glimpse into Marilyn's quilting. I always look forward to seeing what she's working on!

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. Hi Jayne what a lovely visit and time together you had. I love that quilt and also that gorgeous tulip one too. My sewing room is more often messy than tidy. I keep the fabrics in drawers but I think that is a good idea to have it in sight. Happy Friday!

  2. I have hardwood floors and find it much easier to clean up my mess in the sewing room. And it doesn’t show as fast as on carpeting so I go on sewing and forget about it for a few more days.


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