Ah, the fresh promise of a new month! I get so stoked to restart each month and try to get more accomplished this month than last. I guess it's sorta' like a way of challenging myself. (Is that weird?)
The lily in this picture is in our garden, the first of our lilies to bloom. June's garden will be awash with lilies before too long - we have a lot of them, of all manner of varieties. It's my husband's "thing" and he does well with them.
I have yet to make my goals for the month. I am participating in a community yard-sale tomorrow - that has taken some time away from the sewing room, for sure. I might go ahead and do another yard sale the following Saturday, too.
We have stuff. Lots of stuff. And it feels pretty good clearing some of it out.
As the month progresses, I will report on the goals, the sewing, the yard saling, and who-knows-what-all.
Happy June and ...
Happy Quilting, Friends!
I love how your Village quilt has turned out too! Thanks for showing friend's work...always inspiring to see how patterns get interpreted. Happy June...my lilies are not quite ready yet but soon.