Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Slow Summer Days and Fall Foliage

The hot, hazy days of summer are upon us and I am here to talk about Fall Foliage. That doesn't make a lick of sense.

Not much blogging action here lately. The stitching I have been doing does not warrant writing about. Slow stitching has limited appeal. Day after day of hand quilting, repairing and hand binding is not the most scintillating content, don't you know. *wink*

I have been slowly binding Fall Foliage, and yes, I did repair that boo-boo with my backing.

I had plenty of backing to both make my binding and repair the corner needing attention.

The repair blends in wonderfully well, and we're none the wiser for this little snafu.

Details for Fall Foliage: she's not a huge quilt, measuring 54" x 62". I began it in 2010 after seeing a version of it made up in a local quilt shop (now defunct). Generally, I don't need or ask for help in finding fabrics, but I specifically recall that I did have help putting these five fabrics together. The pattern - in the Lynette Jensen/Thimbleberries book, September Morning (2001) - was fast and super-simple; I really ought to use this pattern more often; it'd be perfect for baby quilts. 

I let the quilt top wallow or age, call it what you will, until 2018 when I needed a quilt for demonstrating at History Day. And Fall Foliage has been on the frame ever since. Obviously, there was more wallowing/aging through these last five years. It gathered quite a lot of dust in the quilting room, and I was forever having to move it out of my way for this and that. 

At last this spring, I decided there had been enough procrastinating and gave myself a stern scolding. Quilts never get done if you don't work on them! With hot muggy days keeping me indoors, and Tour de France and MLB to watch on television, I thought I would certainly have enough time to finish Fall Foliage once and for all.

 One bonus with this particular quilt is that there is virtually nothing left over. I might have cut a dozen 2.5-inch squares from the remnants and that is it. All used up. Wonderful. 

I am itching to start something new, but I have several more UFOs that I ought to work on first. Wonder which direction I will go?

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. Pretty quilt and it's 100% complete finished! Enjoy the finish and happy stitching on your next project.


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