Monday, June 3, 2024

Off and Running Into June!

Somehow, it seems like we are on the go all the time. I couldn't make time to mark the first of the month because we were busy with family fun on both Saturday and Sunday. Oh how I enjoy time spent with our daughters, their fellas, and our sweet little granddaughter! 

There's no slowing down today as I am soon heading out for a 3-day getaway with some sweet girlfriends. 

When I get home, it looks to be just as busy with several activities on our agendas.

So I’m stopping here just long enough this morning to welcome the new month - 2+ days after the fact. 

Kevin's garden is flourishing; this pretty lily is the first of many that will adorn our yard this month.

And speaking of flourishing, just look at how big our little Cate is getting! She is 19 months now! Running, squealing, laughing, discovering, talking, pointing - she is a tiny sponge soaking in every bit of her surroundings.

My May wrap-up collage is ready, but I am going to wait until I get back from this little getaway to post it. In addition, I will soon share a list of mini-goals I intend to work on this month. If nothing else, I will stay focused in the midst of all the running around. Beyond the quilting room, we are tackling a master bedroom update; I will also share a bit of that fun, as well. *wink*

I am binding a quilt when I get a bit of time and I must do some garment sewing (for Cate), too.

Did I say something about "off and running?" *ha!*

See you later in the week!

Happy Quilting, Friends!


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