Sunday, June 9, 2024

Binding - Slow Stitching

I’ve had this quilt done for a couple of weeks, but finding time to get the binding sewn down has been on the difficult side. There's just so much that's been going on; sewing falls way down to the bottom of the list some days.

But this weekend, at last, time has freed up a little bit, and finally I can see the end of the binding in sight.

I was in a bit of a quandary getting the right binding fabric selected. I auditioned a couple that would have worked, but then at the bottom of the red stash tub I found a half-yard cut of this old, old, old 3 Sisters fabric called Vienna Nights. Perfect!

Since this entire quilt is made with various 3 Sisters lines, Vienna Nights became my immediate choice. And with every stitch I've taken on this binding, I know it was meant to be. The two options shown side by side, makes that first choice look way too pink.


With just about 10-15 inches to go, I will be back tomorrow to show the entire quilt reveal.

It's been awhile since I've had anything worth sharing at Kathy's  and her Slow Sunday Stitching, but I am glad to be linking up there today. Stop on over to see all the creative endeavors of other quilters around the world wide web.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt tomorrow! The red binding is perfect for the quilt, happy stitching!


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