Monday, June 24, 2024

Tiny Nine-Patch Challenge

Possibly you recall that nearly all the sewing I did in January, February and March was turning scraps into both 4-patch and 9-patch blocks. 

At about that same time, I discovered a sew-along on Instagram called Tiny Nine-Patch Challenge hosted by Taryn at Repro Quilt Lover. I was thrilled to find a purpose for the blocks I was making.

This link marks the end of my 1.5-inch scraps. This link shows a good bit of the background fabric purchased in FL specifically for the setting blocks in this quilt.

So here we are in June and I find myself making a quilt top with my 9-patch blocks. All the tedium of making those blocks is definitely paying off. I am whizzing through this quilt top! What a great idea to do the 'grunt-work' in spare bits of time in FL. They have been waiting in the wings for their time to shine.

And gosh, do they ever shine! Yeah! I feel almost maniacal about creating this quilt. To be able to cut that background fabric into 3.5-inch squares and whip out the rows for this quilt is exhilarating. I decided to make 3 sections about 10 rows wide and sew those sections together at the end so I would avoid having to wrestle the entire giant quilt at the machine if I were doing the quilt all in one section.

And this is absolutely gonna' look amazing. I love the background I am using, and while these next two pictures don't exactly look as pink as real life, there is enough detail in these photos to see the print, I think.

While I was making this first part, I explored the hashtag for this quilt-along - #tineyninepatchchallenge. I ususally find a lot of inspiration when I search hastags, and this time I found a genuine beauty. When I saw this quilt set on point, I was stopped in my tracks. Oh my. I want mine to be on point, too! 

Come back tomorrow or Wednesday to see if I was successful in turning my straight set into a diagonal set. 

Would you try such a change of direction in the middle of making a quilt?

Happy Quilting, Friends!



  1. I think it would be challenging to change the direction of the blocks mid sewing. It seems you would have to do a bunch of unsewing. I'll be glad to see what you have to show us tomorrow morning. Happy stitching!

  2. I would absolutely try the on point setting! Your blocks are gorgeous!

  3. I set mine on point right at the start even tho it was different for me. My back sqs are a beige with small flowers too. It's still hanging on my design wall where I can look at it every nite. Not sure how to quilt it , but soon. I had fun doing this one too. The kids are gonna fight over this one!


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