Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Long Overdue May Collage

It’s almost too embarrassing to be sharing my May highlights 11 days into June, but I’m gonna do it anyway. I like being able to go back through all the previous month’s activities and projects. It’s an easy way to see all the fun memories I made and the variety of projects I tackled.

And talk about making a memory! I’ve been holding onto a little secret for awhile now. We are going to be grandparents again! DD Emma and her partner Glen will be having a baby girl in September!  

More details will unfold in my collage description, so let’s get into it.

TOP ROW: Early in May, we went up to Columbus to see our daughter's new home. She and Glen had just bought a condo, and one room desperately needed to be painted before moving in. (Mom and Dad to the rescue!) She walked us through the house in such a way that one last room would have a special surprise. Upon opening the door we saw an empty room with a little display in the middle of the floor. Clicking on the pic above enlarges it, so you might be able to read the little sign. It says "The best things in life are unexpected - September 2024." Surrounding the sign are two ultrasound pictures, a pair of booties, a onesie and a wooden ornament. Isn't that sweet?!!? It was certainly a most memorable way to announce the pending momentous event. 

Other pics in the top row show the finished-all-the-way-even-quilted Floral Explosion. I have it folded across the back of the family room sofa and have actually used it a few times on some recent cool evenings. The last picture is one of the two baby quilts I needed to finish - this one for a baby boy born to a high school friend of Emma's.

MIDDLE ROW: The second completed baby quilt is for a grand niece. It is the same pattern as the other baby quilt, and both used some random layer cakes I'd bought specifically for baby quilts. In the center is our precious Cate fast asleep on my lap. We'd been called on to babysit one day, and we'd just come back from a walk to the main branch of the Columbus Public Library. Whew! What a way to wear out an 18-month-old! The last pic in the middle row is the flimsy, Tag Sale. I wrote about it here, and I have to say that the comments were so helpful and sweet. I needed to hear all those things! Go read them, if you haven't.

BOTTOM ROW: Sweet, happy Cate! Everything is an exciting adventure to her. I marvel at the permanent smile on her adorable little face. Next is a "freebie" mini-quilt made from cutaway corners. I'll be sharing that very soon. Last, is Paris Flea Market Find as it comes off the longarm machine. I wrote about it's reveal yesterday.

Sorry. This post is all words and only the one collage picture. Let me make up for that with two 'tease' pictures of a new project going on here.  

The project is a remodel of our master bedroom. One major part of the work requires my moving out all these books as well as the two bookcases. The books will be either sold or donated, and the shelves are replacing three cheap-o shelves in the quilting room. A project like this always looks worse before it looks better, so June promises to be a messy month. (serious understatement) New flooring in our bedroom goes down on July 2, so we have a deadline to work toward. Yes, I will share more before-and-after pics.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Grandma on a new upcoming granddaughter! She and Cate will be good friends. I see a special baby quilt happening sometime this summer for the new arrival. That walk from the library probably tired out more than just Cate! Happy stitching!


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