Saturday, June 15, 2024

Revealing Sharon’s Version

You all know that I’ve finished my PFMF (Paris Flea Market Find) and now Sharon is about to have hers finished, too. When she comes next week for our sewing day, we are going to load hers onto the long arm machine, and I will turn her loose with quilting it.

Do you notice much of a difference between hers and mine? (click here for my version) Sharon's choice of 3 Sisters fabric was Etchings. The reds in that particular line are much more vivid and the other colors have more intensity. The other major difference with Sharon's is her spectacular choice of border. Just look at that gorgeous floral. So lush with tremendous impact.

I like that the red star points show up so well on Sharon's version. I was not mindful of where I placed the red squares on my version, so if a 25-patch block has a red corner, then I've lost some of the impact of the stars. I wish I'd had the forethought to realize this when I was constructing, but alas, I did not. Oh well...

Sharon is already stitching together another Paris Flea Market Find! I guess if you love a pattern a whole bunch, then making multiples of it isn't a terrible thing, right? 

Happy Quilting, Friends!


1 comment:

  1. Both your quilt and Sharon's are beautiful! Happy stitching!


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