Wednesday, November 11, 2015

T-Shirt Quilt

In early October, I was approached by a friend to make a quilt with her husband's t-shirts. This is another of those sad situations in which the gentleman had recently passed away much too suddenly and much too soon. Cancer was the ugly culprit this time; John was a math teacher at the school where my DH taught, and he also attended the same church we attended. Debbie, his wife, wants to gift this quilt to their young grandson.

Yesterday, I took the quilt to Terry for quilting. We sewed at her house all day, and I finished off the remainder of the construction, and then prepped the backing. My intention was to finish that on Monday, which didn't happen, so it was the major effort of Tuesday.

Debbie asked for green as the sashing color. In addition to this happy, bright green, I auditioned the darker green shown below.

Going with the brighter green was the correct choice, wouldn't you agree?

Can you tell that John was a Steelers fan, a Yankees fan, and a Buckeye fan?

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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