Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tips, Charts, and Reminders

Every now and then I find the need for some piece of information or another, and I don't have it, or can't put my hands on it quickly. I have dozens of helpful things pinned on Pinterest, but that is a maze of stuff to sift through. I think a post devoted to just some basic, useful and frequently needed information is just what the doctor ordered.

I will list a few things here, in no particular order. These are bits of information that I find I often wish I had pinned on a bulletin board in my sewing room. Maybe a post containing it all will work.
This wonderful list of measurements comes to us via Pinterest. The original source is Michigan Quilts! The blog looks interesting. Click here for the post containing this chart for HSTs (half-square triangles).

Another helpful chart comes through Pinterest from Minnesota Charms. This website has lots of stuff for sale, and they offered up not just this chart, but another one you'll find on the same page.

CT Publishing, a well-known quilt book publisher, has a blog. Once again from Pinterest, I found this handy chart with sizes for preparing side and corner triangles for a quilt that is made on point. Check out this link to the original. And here is the chart for convenience.

How often do you need to have a quick reference for mattress sizes? Not often, but frequently enough that I'm tired of digging around for one. Here is one that is simple from Sleep Experts.

 Finally, the one I am probably the most frequently scrambling to find is a sewing machine needle guide. I can't for the life of me remember the sizes and what they mean. I've copied off this chart numerous times, but can never locate it when I need it.

The website is called Sew It Love It; it looks like an online store for patterns and notions. In just the little bit of snooping around that I did, there looks to be lots of good information.

If all of this helps me to save time by not having to search and dig for these various bits of information, then I will be glad I took the time to do it. I hope that a few of you will find it useful, as well.

Happy Quilting, Friends!


  1. Thank you for putting all this information in one easy reference spot!

  2. Thank you SO much, Jayne, for this most helpful post!!!


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