Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter



 We are celebrating our Risen Lord! I hope your Easter Sunday is blessed and prayerful.

I offer up Sarah Lizzies, a quilter/blogger I follow. Her reminiscence about the old-time hymns really struck a chord with me; I remember most of the ones she mentions. Not only does she write a nice blog, her photography is magnificent. Click here for yesterday's post with the hymns.

We are hosting the family for the Easter feast. Four of we five siblings and various offspring will be here, as will my own sweet Mom. We are at that in-between spot where we have no one in the range for egg hunts - it's all big people and babies this year!

Happy Quilting, Friends! 


  1. Easter Blessings to you and your family. :o)

  2. Oh, that is very kind of you to mention my little blog, Jayne; thank you. So, you remember the old hymns, too? They seem to resonate with many. So many memories revolve around the singing of hymns. There is always such joy at Easter time with children searching high and low for the hidden Easter eggs. Hopefully, it won't be too long for those babies of yours to be of an age when they can join in the fun of an Easter egg hunt. Hoping you are enjoying a prayerful and blessed Easter, too.


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