Thursday, July 18, 2019

Apprentice Cat

For the past two weeks we have been cat-sitting for our daughter and son-in-law while they have been vacationing. Rocky is a delightful guest who is much more a people-cat than our Gracie.

Getting my bedspread project finished while Rocky has been here has been interesting. He tries to "help" and it usually results in my giving up after awhile. He wanted my attention focused on him and not the bedspread. I have it on good authority that he does this with Erin, too.

Awhile back, Erin sent this picture of him after he positioned himself between her and her quilting frame. Look at that face! Is it any wonder we let him interfere help the way he does?? He's a cute little apprentice.

So here at my house, I found he was never far from the sewing action. I looked up while hemming the bedspread to see these ears on the other side of my table.

Often times, his ADD kicks in and he is distracted by birds. The collage above shows his fascination with birdwatching.

 'No! You will NOT finish pinning this skirt onto the spread! Pet me, instead!'

'Mmmm, I think I feel a nap coming on!'

How does one resist such a handsome boy?! I sure can't, and his frequent appearances in the middle of my work definitely slowed me down. But it's all good. He's worth a little extra time. As apprentices go, he makes up for any lack of efficiency by being just so darn loveable.

Today, his parents return from their trip and we take him home tonight. It will be good to see them back safely and I know a certain daughter who has missed her kitty and who will be more thrilled to see him than us!

Happy Quilting, Friends!

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